Tuesday, October 11, 2011

last day in Mokpo

    Today was a quiet day. Rik and I spent most of the day preparing for his departure.  Mailed back over 40 lbs of stuff, which is literally on a slow boat to Maryland.  The woman at the post office said 3 moons to get there, but the price was right.  The town has filled with foreigners for the F-1 race this week end. We have watched a German team and English team clean out the super markets.  It is apparent they like yogurt,candy  ice cream and toilet paper.  The locals are not amused.
   Rik also got his hair cut which on its own is nothing, but the owners husband made it an interesting 1/2 hour.  He is from Germany ( east) and told me he was a successful song writer who had spent a lot of time in Hollywood.  The amazing thing was he was a total Tea Party guy, hates communism and socialist. He feels as if the left is undermining the world through the media and the liberal education agenda.  I felt as if I was talking to my friend Gwen.  Felt like home!  Now just resting and waiting for Rik to return to finish packing and take out the garbage ( about 10 bags worth).  tomorrow the great adventure continues as we travel to Jeonju.

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